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tv   Interview with Colleen Boyle  CSPAN  August 22, 2016 7:57am-8:01am EDT

7:57 am
physicists, and this is basically his take on 21st century physics. so faith in term of our faith and belief in different theories, fashion in terms of what is envogue in the field at the time and fantasy in terms of fantastical ideas like the big bang theory. and so penrose is arguing all three of these ideas have a place in science. they move progress forward and inspire researchers, but there's also the potential for researchers to be led astray, and he talks about this in relation to three different topics, so kwan tam mechanics -- quantum mechanics and string technology. so this is an expert in the field and a real critique of the field. >> host: colin lean boyle just gave us a preview of three titles that princeton is publishing this fall. >> guest: thank you. >> one of the big changes in our, in the way that america operates in the 21st century especially as contrasted to the
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founders' era is that the founders -- remember in george washington's farewell speech, he advises against foreign entanglements and say, you know what? we're going to look out for ourselves and take advantage of god's gifts, natural barriers, the ocean. >> they're ideas that we should promote, advocate, celebrate to the world. and so you get -- i cite the example in the book of when the
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boko haram bad guys kidnapped all those young women and took them off and how that starts a internet sensation among young people, but americans in general think the united states and the world should go get this guy and go get those young women back. and again, that's an exercise in the kind of values that we have in our culture today and the idea that we think we have every right to say to the world this is the way you treat people, this is the value of human life. this is eleanor roosevelt living through this moment. so eleanor roosevelt in terms of universal declaration of human rights, in terms of the united nations, in terms of global consensus about what is right and what is wrong is -- i don't think there's any figure that's comparable. i will note that when hillary clinton began her campaign, she began it at a park that honors eleanor roosevelt. so i think for clinton, eleanor roosevelt is her top role model.
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>> you can watch this and other programs online at >> you're watching booktv on c-span2 with top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. booktv, television for serious readers. >> next on "the communicators," a discussion on the legalities of law enforcement's use of cell phone tracking. then, the sec considers how to protect consumers from robocalls. and live at 9 a.m., a discussion on the impact of the 1996 welfare law signed into law by president clinton 20 years ago today. >> host: and this is "the communicators" where we look at the intersection of public policy and telecommunications. this week a look at law enforcement and cell phone tracng


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